
I’m Baaaaaack

“Until next week!” really changed to until next season … oops. But that’s what happens when you’re living life. I’ll let you in on a secret: I knew I was going to stop posting on my blog — and I am okay with it. I’ve said on here before that I hate setting goals for… Continue reading I’m Baaaaaack

Outside Perspectives

Meet the Whitmanythoughts Bloggers

This is an exciting and monumental time for Sarawhitmanythoughts. This our first time having guest bloggers! Over the next few months, we will be hearing from some lovely ladies who ventured off to a new land and want to share their experiences. Without further adieu, here are our featured study abroad students. Where are you… Continue reading Meet the Whitmanythoughts Bloggers


Oz: The Final Countdown

I remember saying in March that I felt like I only had two weeks left in Australia even though I knew I had so much time. In early May I would wake up with my heart racing because I felt time ticking. Now I wake up with headaches due to the amount of information I… Continue reading Oz: The Final Countdown


Oz: Game Time

I believe I just encountered the most relaxed weekend of my semester here so far. My weekend consisted of a mix of homework and night adventures in Northbridge for some time away from my piles of work. However, Sunday ended up being a great day to experience some Australian culture: I attended an Australian Football… Continue reading Oz: Game Time


Oz: Week 12 of Classes

This week proved how small the world really is. I was able to spare a night from my university work Wednesday and spend time with a friend I met in Berlin last summer. He showed me around the less touristy party of Northbridge, which is a neighborhood of Perth. I felt lucky to be able… Continue reading Oz: Week 12 of Classes


Oz: My First Music Festival

Australia’s hot new music is broadcasted on Triple J radio station, which is filled with different sounds—incredible tunes—that I never heard until I moved here. I am so fortunate that I was able to attend my first music festival partly sponsored by Triple J and see some of my new discoveries in the land down… Continue reading Oz: My First Music Festival


Oz: Magic, Music and Markets

Wizards assemble! My busy weekend started Friday with a Harry Potter-themed pub crawl to which I won tickets through a company called Blue Elephant Promotions. This company successfully runs crawls through the UK and Ireland, and decided to bring them to Australia, which I think is pretty cool. My crawl started at seven (there were… Continue reading Oz: Magic, Music and Markets


Thoughts: Finding My Way to My Mom

I have no idea what it’s like to be a mother. I have heard, and fully believe, that being a mother is a gift and develops a love like no other. I also have heard that somehow and some way, Mom is always right and if you don’t believe it now, one day she is… Continue reading Thoughts: Finding My Way to My Mom


Oz: Birthday Week

The last few days I have felt nothing but loved and lucky. Turning 21 is a time I will never forget. I started the celebration by heading to the beach Monday. I was supposed to go Tuesday, on my actual birthday, but we had a feedback session with the vice president of AIFS to attend.… Continue reading Oz: Birthday Week


Thoughts on Turning 21

I remember turning 10 years old and having my mom say, “You’ll be in double digits for the rest if your life!” I thought that was scary. I recall becoming a teenager and having some friends over for some Wii Olympics. I remember deciding whether or not I should have a sweet 16. Turning 18… Continue reading Thoughts on Turning 21