Australia, Fiji, Travel

The South Pacific Awaits

As I sit here and type, I cannot believe that I am on a plane to my next journey: a semester studying abroad at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, with an additional week-long course in Suva, Fiji to start off my adventure.


People often ask me, “Why Australia?” I honestly could not see myself studying anywhere besides Australia. I have always wanted to visit the land down under, and I cannot foresee myself easily flying there for a vacation anytime soon. So, I figured studying there was my best bet to visit Aussie land for a long period of time. Plus, I have always said I want to escape to and island, and that is exactly what I am doing!

Many people also do not know that I am going to Fiji to start the trip. There is no rhyme or reason as to why I am studying there first. Quite simply, there was an option to take a week long course at the University of the South Pacific, so I took it. Seeing more of the world? Sign me up! I am excited to visit, as I know I will be immersing myself in Fijian culture by staying with a family as well as small excursions AIFS has planned for the handful of students partaking in this extra outing.

People also ask me if I know anyone going on the trip. I know absolutely no one. This is an independent American company that connects students to universities abroad, so any college student can apply. Luckily, I have been connected with people in my program through a Facebook group, and a girl took the time to add all of us to a GroupMe, so we have been able to group message each other leading up to the trip. The wonders of technology!

I am definitely nervous for what the future holds, mostly because I have no idea what to expect in Fiji and I am still working on class registration for Murdoch University. But hey, I have my Visa, Nadi and Perth are expecting me, and I have a smile on my face and an eagerness to see what the next few months have in store.

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