
Fiji: 50 Shades Darker

Prior to dinner, our family suggested that we watch a movie, and Jordan took a liking to the idea. Long story short, Jordan and I decided that we would see Fifty Shades Darker, which was premiering in Fiji (and ahead of the U.S.).IMG_0708.JPG

It turns out this premiere party was a huge celebration: there was 50 Shades décor, people serving mixed drinks and snacks, a raffle, free manicures, a table of desserts and flash tattoos. Not to mention, everyone there was dressed as if she was going to a formal party. Women of all ages wore fancy dresses, slacks and blouses and had their hair and makeup done. I never knew that a movie premier could be this fancy.

Of course, Jordan and I had no idea the party would be so fancy, and we were in the same clothing we wore and got poured on all day. IMG_0709.JPGHowever, that did not stop us from enjoying ourselves. We actually met a woman with a daughter our age who was super nice. She even gave us masks to wear anIMG_0707.JPGd shared her popcorn with us during the movie.

The room the premiere played in was the largest movie theater I had ever seen, and the screen was ginormous as well. The whole experience was completely unexpected and absolutely fantastic. Also, 50 Shades Darker was much better than the first! From the free drinks and manicures to making Fijian friends, the night was a total success.

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